How to

The Power of Up-selling and Cross-Selling with PaxFlow

The Power of Up-selling and Cross-Selling with PaxFlow

PaxFlow revolutionizes the way tour operators enhance their services and unlock new revenue opportunities. With its comprehensive tools, such as the essential PaxPortal, PaxFlow simplifies upselling and cross-selling. Consequently, operators can effortlessly offer more value to their clients. Benefits of Cross-selling and Up-selling 📈 Grow revenue – The main benefit of up-selling and cross-selling is…

Why Tour Operators Need to Offer a Self Service Portal

Why Tour Operators Need to Offer a Self Service Portal

While having an online booking platform previously gained you a competitive edge, it’s no longer the case today. Because every modern travel agency offers online booking, no business will survive on that service alone. Instead, you need to supply innovative solutions to advance in a fast-changing travel landscape. That means integrating technology that anticipates your…

Integrate Dynamic Maps for drivers, guides and office staff into PaxFlow

Integrate Dynamic Maps for drivers, guides and office staff into PaxFlow

Integrating dynamic maps into PaxFlow can be a great way to show points of interest to drivers, guides and office staff.  Whether you create maps for hazards or to show extra info about a specific site or landmark, they can be useful throughout your operation.  With dynamic maps, you can easily create, update and share…

How to automate tour operations and save money

How to automate tour operations and save money

Whilst Covid-19 still ripples through society, we must be able to pivot towards remote friendly working, contactless and increase automated processes. We must be able to service bookings, refunds and requests from anywhere while still maintaining quality support.  In this post we are going to highlight a few easy ways that you can increase productivity…