Customer Communication

Automate customer communication with customers via email and SMS. Send out important information to a whole tour group, departure or certain bookings at any stage of the user journey.

Send Automated Messages to Customers

Automate customer communication and deliver high quality customer support, with less manual work. Communicate tour-specific information to customers and personalize messages based on booking and customer details.

  • Booking conformations
  • Tour changes
  • Cancellations
  • Waivers
  • Review requests
  • Disruptions
  • Cross-sells & Up-sells
  • Pick-up point reminders
  • Meeting point details
  • Photo sharing

Automated e-mail messages

  • Design your own email templates
  • Mass-mail & Mass-SMS
  • Schedule before or after tours
  • Send copies to CMR system
  • Text only or HTML format
  • Personalised messages
  • Automate tour updates
  • Monitor delivery status

Automated SMS messages

  • Create SMS templates for automation and frequent use
  • Personalise SMS messages with parameters from bookings
  • Send to individual guests or customer groups
  • Monitor delivery status of sent messages
  • Send messages to over 90+ countries

Message templates for automation and frequently sent messages

Whether it’s email, SMS or push notifications – we’ve got you covered. Create templates to save time when sending messages. Send messages manually via mass-mail or mass-sms. Automate and schedule messages to customers based on booking updates or tour changes.

Tour-specific and personalized messages

Communicate tour-specific information to customers and personalize messages based on booking and customer details. Automate messages to customer segments i.e. based on seller, booking channel, departure time and more.
Monitor delivery status of sent messages.

Optimise up-sells and cross-sells

Optimise upsell and cross sell and tailor messages based on previously booked tours and customer details. Schedule sending of upsell and cross-sell emails based on previously booked tours

Tailor messages for OTA and agency customers

Customized messages for each agency and reseller to adhere to partner terms with tailored messages for each seller and/or booking channel.